This subject was set in the 1950s, including 3 secondary majors ( Plant Pathology, Agricultural Entomology and Pest Control and Pesticide science) and 2 self-setting majors(Applied Fungi and Phytosanitary & Biological Invasion). This subject is level one key disciplines in Hubei province. Accredited to award doctoral degrees and possessing post-doctoral station. The major of Plant Protection is aimed to cultivate national agricultural talents. The features are listed below.
1. Strong teaching resource and vigorous creativity
Possessing 80 tutors, among which 90% have doctoral degree and 57.5% have overseas experiences; 36 tutors are below 35 years old ( accounting 45%), 30 tutors are between 36 to 45 years old (accounting 37.5%),11 tutors are between 46 to 55 years old(accounting 13.8%). Now, possessing 1 Changjiang scholar, 1 national outstanding puber, 2 Ministry of Science & Technology scientific and technological innovation of young people innovation leading talents, 4 Ministry of Education new century excellent talents, 3 Hubei outstanding young people, 4 national modern agricultural industrial technical system scientists ; 8 under 40 years old tutors published at least one paper on PNAS, Plant Cell or PLoS Pathog as first author or corresponding author. This subject is the major supportive one of National Agricultural Microbiology Key Laboratory , Ministry of Agriculture agricultural microbiological resource utilization key laboratory and national microbiological pesticide engineering research center, owning outstanding scientific talents of Ministry of Agriculture and innovative groups of Hubei province.
2. Accurate orientation and clear aim
To meet the needs of our national modern agriculture industrial development , doing research based on theory and application and devoted to construct it be the first-class and high reputation discipline.
3. Stable direction and rich research
Focusing on the common issue of the subject, the control of pest and the utilization of resources of plant protection, we form below 4 main research orientations.
(1) The interaction mechanism between crops and pest
Researching on the resistant mechanism of rice, wheat and cotton, and pathogenic mechanism of pathogen; researching on the interaction among crops, insect, beneficial microorganism and natural enemy; discovering and utilizing anti-disease and anti-insect gene resources; constructing new anti-disease and anti-insect materials. This orientation has overwhelming international competitiveness.
(2) Integrated pest management
Researching on biological population variety of Pyricularia grisea(Cooke)Sacc and Botrytis cinerea; researching on the law of disaster on rice, oil rape, tangerine, fruit and vegetable, and constructing early warning technology; creating ecological, physical, beneficial & natural enemies, anti-pest material utilization and virus detoxification technology. We have distinct features on plant disease biological control and ecological control, playing an important role in relevant crop safe production and social advisory service.
(3) Pesticide toxicology and pest resistance
Researching on molecular mechanism and monitoring of pest resistance ; constructing efficient pest resistance management technical system; developing new active substance, new formulation and environmental toxicology research; creating the pest resistance monitoring kit and technology. We have distinct features on mechanism and monitoring of Nilaparvata lugens, Botrytis cinerea andSclerotiniasclerotiorum(Lib.)de.Bary
(4) Fundamental of Applied Fungus and key technical development
Researching on the genetics fundamental, breeding, cultivation techology of Applied Fungus; researching on the molecular mechanism in Applied Fungus efficient degradation, which can converse straw; supporting new technology of interaction between fungus and pest. Chronically providing excellent bacteria and service for the whole society, and giving technical support for national relevant area and rural economic development.
4. Distinctive features and significant results
Featuring on pest biological control, pathogen variety, pathogenesis, wheat anti-scab gene design, insect chemical ecology, pest integrated management & application, pest resistance mechanism & control, eaten fungus industrial technical development and social service. Part of the research field is nationally competitive.
2012-2015, we have undertaken 650 research projects, have funding more than 120 million yuan and 1.5 million yuan per person; hosting 102 National Natural Science Foundation of China items. We have published 322 papers as corresponding author or first author (including co-author), 288 SCI papers(4 in PNAS, 1 in ISME J, Plant Cell, Plant Physiol, J Exp Bot, MPMI, Anal Chen, Nanoscale, 2 in EM, 4 in JVI, 2 in Mol Plant Pathol, 9 in Sci Rep, review papers in Annu Rev Phytipathol); 11 national & provincial scientific and technological progress award; 7 patent, 9 pesticide registration and 2 Hubei province checked eaten fungus varieties.
5. Clear talents cultivation aim and distinctive result
basing the needs of national agricultural developing strategy, and cultivating innovative talents who have solid theoretical fundamental, practicing skills, board horizons, are able to expertly use modern plant protection theory and technology to solve agricultural productive issues, are equal to modern agricultural production, management and research work, have good academic performance, have a strong sense of mission in the times. Accredited to award doctoral degrees In 2005, we have increasing qualified talents both in amount and quality. Many graduates have developed into elite on teaching, research and management. During this round of assessment, 84 phD graduates, 278 postgraduates. In addition, 1 national hundred excellent doctoral papers, 4 provincial hundred excellent doctoral papers, 7 provincial hundred excellent master’s papers.
6. Active academic activities and distinctively increasing impact
This subject is the vice chairman of National Plant Pathology Association and National Eaten Fungus. We have 6 teachers in charge of national-level association’s vice chairman, executive director, director, etc. There are 6 teachers serve as editor or vice editor in《Journal of Plant Protection》, 《Journal of Plant Pathology》,《Journal of Biological Control》,《Journal of Fungus》; hosting 5 national academic conference.
We have built co-partnership with more than 20 countries including the U.S, the U.K and Germany; in the past 4 years ,28 international academic conferences,4 overseas invited reports, 70 foreign professor’s interviews; hosting “15th National Sclerotinia sclerotiorum seminar” , EU 7th Framework Agreement Project and other 6 international cooperative items; being invited to International Atomic Energy Agency about insect sterility training and as Chinese representative in International Fruit Flyers Committee of Experts; 4 professors serve as international journal editor. The subject send 24 students to study abroad and cooperatively research, absorbed 54 foreign students to study for a degree and 3 foreign doctor working for cooperative research.